
《埃及神戰》紐約首映 眾主演盛裝出席

億萬特技史詩式神話鉅製《埃及神戰》(Gods of Egypt)全球首映禮224日(當地時間)在紐約舉行,型男謝拉畢拿(Gerard Butler)、美劇男星尼古拉高士達華道Nikolaj Coster-Waldau)、澳洲新晉女星葛妮伊頓Courtney Eaton)、柬法混血演員艾洛蒂袁Elodie Yung)等主演皆有盛裝出席。電影由《智能叛變》(I, Robot)賣座大導演亞歷士布雅士(Alex Proyas)執導,故事主要圍繞一場人神的魔幻激戰!電影2D3D版本將同步於33日在本港公映。

- New York, NY - 2/24/16 - Summit Entertainment - A Lionsgate Company Presents the New York Premiere of "Gods of Egypt" -PICTURED: Gerard Butler -PHOTO by: Marion Curtis/StarPix -FILENAME: MC_16_01084058.JPG -LOCATION: AMC Lowes Lincoln Square 13 Startraks Photo New York, NY For licensing please call 212-414-9464 or email sales@startraksphoto.com Image may not be published in any way that is or might be deemed defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification or question you may have. Startraks Photo reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this image. If you violate our intellectual property you may be liable for actual damages, loss of income, and profits you derive from the use of this image, and where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or statutory damages.

重金鑄造視覺饗宴 嶄新演繹經典神話

耗資1.4億美元重金打造的《埃及神戰》幕後班底陣容鼎盛,除了大導演亞歷士布雅士外,還有一班來自賣座特技電影如囊括本屆奧斯卡10項提名的《末日先鋒:戰甲飛車》(Mad Max: Fury Road)、《星球大戰》(Star War)系列等的精英,勢將以超強特技還原古埃及文明面貌,配以金光璀璨的場景和服裝,讓觀眾親歷勝境,享受一場空前震撼的視覺饗宴!電影不但把經典的「荷魯斯復仇記」重現銀幕,亦將古埃及獨特文化,如金字塔、荷魯斯之眼、阿努比斯心臟稱量判決等活現觀眾眼前,而且加入不少創新元素,如神的血是金色的;神可以化身成神獸……相信觀眾能了解古埃及之餘,也極盡視聽之娛。

- New York, NY - 2/24/16 - Summit Entertainment - A Lionsgate Company Presents the New York Premiere of "Gods of Egypt" -PICTURED: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau -PHOTO by: Marion Curtis/StarPix -FILENAME: MC_16_01084033.JPG -LOCATION: AMC Lowes Lincoln Square 13 Startraks Photo New York, NY For licensing please call 212-414-9464 or email sales@startraksphoto.com Image may not be published in any way that is or might be deemed defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification or question you may have. Startraks Photo reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this image. If you violate our intellectual property you may be liable for actual damages, loss of income, and profits you derive from the use of this image, and where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or statutory damages.

- New York, NY - 2/24/16 - Summit Entertainment - A Lionsgate Company Presents the New York Premiere of "Gods of Egypt" -PICTURED: Courtney Eaton -PHOTO by: Marion Curtis/StarPix -FILENAME: MC_16_01084047.JPG -LOCATION: AMC Lowes Lincoln Square 13 Startraks Photo New York, NY For licensing please call 212-414-9464 or email sales@startraksphoto.com Image may not be published in any way that is or might be deemed defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification or question you may have. Startraks Photo reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this image. If you violate our intellectual property you may be liable for actual damages, loss of income, and profits you derive from the use of this image, and where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or statutory damages.

群神激鬥逆轉凡人命運 神魔幻變震撼空前

人和神本來一起生活,直到殘暴的沙漠狂神塞特(謝拉畢拿 飾)用詭計戰勝了天空之神荷魯斯(尼古拉高士達華道 飾),人神從此分隔。塞特更奪走荷魯斯雙目,令他失去神力。天眼神偷貝克(賓頓韋斯 飾)為阻止塞特殘酷統治人間,決心與荷魯斯並肩作戰重奪神眼,踏上征途,跟塞特手下邪神異獸組成的惡魔大軍展開連場魔幻巨戰,勢要逆轉凡人命運!

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