

《魔幻森林》除了有著華麗的特技所組成的畫面外,強大的配音陣容亦是吸引人之處 。如史嘉娜祖漢遜(Scarlett Johansson)、雷碧達尼安高(Lupita Nyong’O)、賓京士利(Ben Kingsley)、艾迪斯艾巴(Idris Elba)及基斯杜化華堅(Christopher Walken)等明星為電影中的動物配音,配音陣容非常豪華。

bkn-20160322120440904-0322_00862_001_01b施嘉莉祖安遜聲演-蟒蛇 Kaa


bkn-20160322120440904-0322_00862_001_02b艾德里斯艾巴聲演-老虎  Khan


bkn-20160322120440904-0322_00862_001_03b雷碧達尼安高聲演-母狼 Raksha


THE JUNGLE BOOK - Akela is the strong and hardened alpha-male wolf who shoulders the responsibility of his pack. He welcomes Mowgli to the family, but worries he may one day compromise their safety. "Akela is a fierce patriarch of the wolf pack," says Giancarlo Esposito, who voices the character. "He believes the strength of the pack lies in what each and every wolf offers. He's a great leader, a wise teacher." Photo by: Sarah Dunn. ©2016 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.吉安卡羅·埃斯波西托聲演-公狼 Akela


bkn-20160322120440904-0322_00862_001_04b基斯杜化華堅聲演-紅毛猩猩 King Louie


bkn-20160322120440904-0322_00862_001_05b賓京士利聲演-黑豹 Bagheera



標梅利聲演-棕熊 Baloo

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